Food For Thought - July 2020

Let's Do This!  

We are so close to our GOAL OF 1000 OWNERS! Share with your neighbors, your families and your friends so we can take the next step!

Food co-ops are retail cooperatives that are owned by the people who shop there. This means that food co-ops are owned by members of the community – not outside investors.

Each member-owner has a say in decisions that affect the co-op; and instead of paying outside investors, co-ops return their profits to their member-owners in the form of patronage refunds – dividends, cash, discounts or store credit.

Food co-ops source products from more local farmers and producers, donate proportionally more dollars to charity, have better worker wages and benefits, and give back more to the local economy than traditional grocery stores.


In the company of bees...

I’m a beekeeper. As I look at this picture of my little friends I’m amazed at the striking similarities between my colonies of bees and the McHenry County community.

Let me explain…

If you take the time to really examine a colony of bees what
 you’ll see is solidarity. Several thousand bees working toward a common goal – preservation of the hive.

This same type of
 community spirit has shown itself here in McHenry County as we struggle through the coronavirus pandemic. Through all the many breakdowns in federal support during this crisis we have seen our community step up to fill in the gaps.

People like Crystal
 Lake’s Jon Weger and his Facebook group of friends who used their 3D printers to make face shields for local healthcare workers. And Woodstock residents Heather Madaus and Linnea Kooistra who started sewing face masks for clinics and non-profits in need of PPE (personal protective equipment).

All over
 the county we see neighbor helping neighbor – a cohesive, solid community at work just like my bees. People who see a need and unselfishly step up to fill that need.

As grocery store shelves found themselves depleted because of a breakdown in our national food supply
 chains, our local farmers stepped up to provide the community with fresh, local produce and meats.

 community. People helping people. That’s what the Food Shed Co-op is all about. Strengthening our community using local resources.

It’s been said that something good always comes from something bad. Maybe that’s what this virus is
 here to teach us. Maybe part of the lesson is to show everyone how important it is to build a “healthy, ethical, and resilient community” just like our mission says…


Ever dream of becoming a farmer?

If you're a farmer or are dreaming of becoming one, you can join the Food Shed Farmers Group on Facebook!  

This group is intended to facilitate conversations between farmers and other sustainable agriculture stakeholders in and around McHenry County, Illinois.

The goal is to inspire the community and ensure food security for our region. Join now for some inspiring and informative conversations!

Live your best life!

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